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Clear aligners have transformed the way orthodontists treat conditions like crooked teeth, overbites, gaps, and other cosmetic issues. They are comfortable, easy to care for, and discreet. Here is what you need to know about this popular treatment option.

Why Choose Clear Aligners?

Compared to ces, the. There are several benefits to consider:

  • Clear aligners are more comfortable compared to braces. Patients typically experience some pressure, but there is less discomfort compared to treatments like braces.
  • Clear aligners are virtually invisible, ideal for those who feel self-conscious about wearing braces.
  • It’s a customized approach with a series of aligners that progressively straightens your teeth for fast results.
  • You can remove the aligners when needed. It helps keep you comfortable, and you can eat or drink anything you want.
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene is easy since the aligners are removable when brushing and flossing.
  • Clear aligners work for a wide range of conditions, including crowded teeth, underbites, overbites, gaps, open bites, and more.
  • Addressing these conditions will improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence. It can also help improve your overall oral health and prevent you from needing treatments like dental implants in the future since straight teeth are easier to care for.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Clear Aligners?

Clear Aligner treatment is a great option for a wide range of conditions and cosmetic problems. It works well for children, teens, and adults as long as the patient is willing to wear the aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day.

Anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their smile is a good candidate for this treatment. It’s common to feel ashamed or self-conscious about your smile if your teeth aren’t straight or if you suffer from malocclusion. It’s something Invisalign can help with.

In the future, straight teeth can help you feel better about yourself, and your smile will also help you make a good impression on people.

However, there are situations where clear aligners might not be a good treatment option. For instance, patients with severe overbite or underbite might need surgery to modify their jawbone.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Your orthodontist will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan. Here is what to expect:

  • You should book an initial consultation with a professional to assess your overall oral health and look at issues like malocclusions and other cosmetic problems. They will determine if clear aligners are a good fit for you.
  • Your orthodontist will then develop a personalized treatment plan. After taking impressions of your teeth and using imaging techniques, they will be able to determine the degree of correction needed to get the smile you want.
  • You will get a series of invisible braces. Each aligner will progressively correct your smile.
  • You’ll get started with the first aligner in the series and typically wear it for two weeks. You’ll get better results if you wear it for 20 to 22 hours a day. It’s okay to remove it to eat or brush your teeth, but you should wear it at night.
  • You should be able to move to the next aligner in the series after two weeks and keep moving to the next aligner after that. You will see your orthodontist regularly during your treatment to ensure it is working as intended.
  • Your treatment should last 12 to 18 months. You might need to wear a retainer once the treatment is over to preserve your straight smile.

Schedule A Free Consultation

If you want to learn more about clear aligners or would like to know if you could be a good candidate for this treatment, schedule a free consultation with Dr. Desai. We can’t wait to meet you.